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How can actionable communication happen between diverse local communities, centering those that have been historically marginalized?

UX/UI Design

No Love for the Other Side

No Love for the Other Side is a web-based grassroots community archive that aims to reflect the experiences, priorities, and needs of diverse residents living on the East side of Gainesville, Florida. 
While the perspectives gathered through interviews between February and March of 2019 by no means represent the entire East Gainesville community, they begin to both untangle and complicate the socioeconomic structures that have succeeded in ranking Gainesville, Florida among the top five worst cities in the U.S. based on disparity statistics.
This visual storytelling project strives to spark genuine dialogue and relationship building—between East and West Gainesville, between transient and long-term residents, between local politicians and the communities they serve, and between neighbors—to bring about individual, interpersonal, and systemic change.
View the entire website here

Role / 

Community Outreach



Audio & Videography

Year / 


Collaborators / 

Tyra Edwards

Julius Long

Liana Zafran

Contributors / 

Renee Anderson

Devonderick Johnson

Christine Johnson

Chanae Baker

Marika Allen + family

UX/UI Design
The website's menu is broken down into “chapters” to keep the emphasis on a larger narrative structure that would pull the viewer through individual stories.
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The second chapter of the website, titled “The Other Side,” contains all of the interviews conducted. Each interview has its own webpage. At the top of each interview page is an interactive embedded video, which allows users to click an individual interview question and hear the interviewee’s response to that specific question. Each interactive video has up to thirty minutes of interview content; the most impactful and clearly-articulated parts of the conversation reside here. Below the video is the unedited interview audio and transcript. If users wants to listen to the full interview as it unfolded, they can click the audio and listen along as they read the transcript. 
Being a small team, we were not able to interview all of the residents who expressed their interest in participating. This is both a positive and negative limitation; on one hand, it is validating in that there was significant interest in this project. On the other hand, we were not able to offer this platform to a large number of residents—if we had been able to, it may have strengthened this project’s impact on Gainesville. 
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